uploads/roof top.jpg

roof top 屋頂。

roof tree

That sound banal when you repeat it , but the way that guy describes it … i can just see the little prick standing there with the woman in his arms and already he ' s writing another letter to her , another flowerpot about the roof tops and all that crap he steals from his french authors 這話重復一遍顯得很無聊,可這家伙一描述起來… …我簡直可以看見這個小滑頭抱著那個女人站在那里,他已經在給她寫另一封信了,是從另一個法國作家那兒偷來的有關屋頂之類廢話的馬屁。

Hence , the rental income derived from the letting of common areas such as a side shop , carpark , external wall , roof top etc is assessable to property tax and the incorporated owner is required to complete the property tax return b . i . r . 58 on behalf of all the owners of the building . name of the incorporated owner and other particulars are to be completed in part 1 of the return ,業主所具有的與建筑物公用部分有關的權力和職責,須由業主立案法團行使及執行因此,業主立案法團須代表大廈所有業主填交物業稅報稅表b . i . r .表格第58號,你須在報稅表的第1部分填寫業主立案法團的名稱及其他資料。

No person shall for the purpose of any food business use , or cause , suffer or permit to be used , any yard , alley , street , open space , roof top or open deck space for the preparation or storage of open food or for the washing , cleansing or storage of any equipment or utensil used in the preparation or service of food 任何人不得因經營食物業而使用或安排、容受或準許他人使用任何庭院、巷、街、露天地方、天臺或露天層面配制或貯存未加掩蓋的食物,或洗滌、潔凈或貯存用以配制或端送食物的設備或用具。

No person shall for the purpose of any food business use , or cause , suffer or permit to be used , any yard , alley , street , open space , roof top or open deck space for the preparation or storage of open food or for the washing , cleansing or storage of any equipment or utensil used in the preparation or service of food 任何人不得因經營食物業而使用或安排容受或準許他人使用任何庭院巷街露天地方天臺或露天層面配制或貯存未加掩蓋的食物,或洗滌潔凈或貯存用以配制或端送食物的設備或用具。

The total floor space is 30 , 000 square meters . it has 248 elegant lake scenery or sea view guest rooms ; with graceful chinese and western restaurants , a beautiful roof top garden , and a 1200 square meters swimming pool . it also has a fitness center , with mountain biking , beach sports , lakeside fishing , a “ kids panda club “ and a bank of china atm cash machine for guest connivance 酒店占地約43畝,總建筑面積3萬余平方米,擁有風格各異舒適典雅的湖景海景客房248間套有輕松優雅的中西餐廳花團錦簇的屋頂花園和面積達1200平方米的花園泳池還有康體中心山地車沙灘運動項目湖畔垂釣兒童娛樂室中國銀行atm提款機等配套設施。

An event to show traditional “ hawking art “ directed by the 17th master hawker of the suwa school , zenjiro tagomori , will be held at the former hawking ground of the shogun s family . “ hayabusa “ ( falcon ) , a hawk swoops straight down from the roof top of the dentsu building (只有日語)將軍家獵鷹場將要舉辦由諏訪流第17代鷹師天籠善次郎指揮的被稱作“放鷹術”的傳統獵鷹活動。首次獵鷹活動期間將舉辦從電通大廈樓頂放飛長鷹的“ hayabusa ”活動很值得一看。

It s hard to believe that fifty years ago , when i was standing on a roof top of a drive - in theater for the beginning of this ministry , that we would be where we are today 元,站在汽車劇院的屋頂,造就了今天的我們嗎?我感到難以置信。我作出了一個預測我不大熟識屬靈恩賜的事,但羅拔時曾對我說:

Normally the common areas of a building such as side shop , carpark , external wall , roof top etc are collectively owned by the individual owners of the building 大廈的公用地方作出租用途大廈的公用地方(例如大廈的側鋪、車位、外墻、天臺等)一般屬于大廈各業主共同擁有。

The podium of noble center : roof top garden and soft drink bar provide relaxation space and alternative method of conducting business with your clients 諾德中心商業附樓:屋頂花園、水吧,不但能給緊張的工作適度調劑,還提供與客戶洽談的另一種方式。

Students suggested to build a park , mega chessboard , basketball court , sports ground and swimming pool in the area . there will also be a theme park in the roof top 于區布內建設公園、大型棋盤、籃球場、運動場、泳池等,另于天臺上建造主題公園。

Normally , the common areas of a building such as side shop , carpark , external wall , roof top etc are collectively owned by the individual owners of the building 大廈的公用地方例如大廈的側鋪車位外墻天臺等,一般屬于大廈各業主共同擁有。

The fuyang aids village was cold with goose feather snow and darksome sky , wind was blowing tearing the roof top of houses and trees 乙酉春節時的阜陽艾滋病村。寒風刺骨,鵝毛大雪,天空陰冷灰暗,肆虐的風雪呼嘯而至,撕扯著屋頂樹梢。

Roofing accessories . roof skylight with gutter and rain water head for slate and plain tiled roof tops . terminology . dimensions 屋頂附件.石板或平瓦屋頂用帶接水槽和箱屋頂天窗.術語.尺寸

When the no . 3 signal is issued , secure all loose objects , particularly on balconies and roof tops 3號信號發出后,應將所有容易被風吹動之物件綁緊,放置于露臺及屋頂之物件更要綁緊。

A roof top garden is designed to provide stormwater storm water control and help keep the building cool in the sun 樓頂花園是設計用來控制暴雨和在陽光照射下保持建筑溫度清涼。

I would get airborne for a while , but could never quite clear the roof tops of the surrounding houses 我會在空中呆一會兒,但從不十分清楚周圍房子的屋頂。

Screen shows a cat being locked in a cage on roof top 畫面見一只貓被困在大廈天臺的籠內

Snipers shot at the invaders from the roof tops 狙擊手從房頂上向侵略者射擊。